Sunday, 25 November 2012

Low Relief High Street Backs Part Two…………..

Here is the next stage of the R005a Low Relief High Street Backs from scalescenes. I have completed the other three carcasses, the other large one and the two smaller ones required for the four backs. The next step went a bit out of sync I’m afraid. I started to build the carcass for the odd ball element of the kit, which is the Tudor style building. For all it is a bit fiddly for me with fingers like pork sausages, I do like this part of the build. The level detail incorporated into such a small piece work always astounds me.

So while I was in the mood and had piece and quiet, I set to and cut out all of the sections needed to complete the entire building.

IMG_0882        IMG_0883

Yes, it may be a pain in the derriere for me to cut out, but you have to agree that the results are just stunning. Like I said earlier, the detail that goes inside all of these buildings that nobody will ever see is a crying shame. Once the layers are put together on top of each other, this is when you start to see the model come to life.

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Unfortunately this is where it all went to pot. Instead of just building the carcass. I’m afraid I got carried away and completed the whole building.

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The door and wall section for the front went on and it is very clever. I challenge anyone to spot the join between the front and side wall.


It was a case of, I’ll just put this bit on, and that led to maybe just try this bit in place to see what it looks like, and before I knew it, it was finished.


IMG_0902         IMG_0903

I just love the fine detail. Even down to window sills. And don’t forget, these buildings are all downloaded from the internet and printed off on your printer!


Right, get back on track and follow the instructions in order! The next step is to, believe it or not, build the individual down pipes for the other four buildings. This you will see in my next post. That’s if I can follow the simple instructions and not get carried away again.

Until Next Time……………

Chris sig

Monday, 19 November 2012

Low Relief High Street Backs………….

Well I’ve finally started the T005a Low Relief High Street Backs from scalescenes. What with holidays, work and family commitments, I’ve not had much time for myself, let alone time to sit and build a model. But things are now back on track and I’ve got my head  down and my knife out.
The Low Relief High Street Backs are a stand alone unit or can go together with the T005 Low Relief High Street to make a complete building.
First task is to cut out all of the windows and stick them to some thick acetate. I find so easy to complete this task, as I print them onto self adhesive labels and this makes it easy to fix them to the sheet without getting glue all over the acetate. There is a sheet of windows that can be printed straight onto a sheet of OHP film, but my preference is to use the acetate and labels.
IMG_0872             IMG_0873
The initial build is exactly the same as the Low Relief High Street. A simple, but sturdy carcass forms the base. The floors and ceilings are made out of 2mm board and then stuck together back to back.
These get glued directly onto the backs.
While the glue sets, you need to cut out the sides. Talking of glue, I’m often asked what glue I use. It is a Quick Dry Tacky PVA glue. Available at most craft shops or on line. You only need to hold the piece for a couple of seconds and it bonds. Not totally, but enough to keep it in place until it does cure.
Again, these are 2mm thick and when glued to the floors and backs it makes the very sturdy carcass. (Oh, and that’s the glue I use).
There is three more to build. One more large one and two smaller ones. There is a fifth one which is a little different, but I’ll get to that one later.
Until Next Time…………..
Chris sig