Friday, 28 October 2016

My Blog In Print………….

My humble blog has been put into print. A couple of months ago, I received an email out of the blue by an editor of a magazine. I nearly dismissed it at first, as who would want to read about my blog. But my wife Jak encouraged me to reply to the editor and see want he wanted. It seems that his magazine, Dolls House and Miniature Scene, do a feature every month about a different blog. Now, not doing anything dolls house related on my blog, I couldn’t understand why they would want to feature my blog. But they assured me that the second part of the tittle “miniature scene” was quite apt. So I got my writing head on and penned a few words to explain where Wynyard Lane came from and what it is all about. If you care to get yourself a copy of the said magazine, this is what the front cover looks like, which my article is in.

And if you want to look at what the magazine is about, click on the link below.

Until Next Time............

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Diorama Update.............

Well the diorama has taken over my work table. At first, it was to be a way of showing off the row of eight terraced houses. This would have fit on a display board about 2ft X 1ft. The board is now unfortunately a little larger. It’s now 4ft X 2ft. This is my own fault as I keep getting great and grander ideas for my row of houses. At the moment it comprises of the row of eight terraced houses as the main feature. A row of ten low relief terraced house backs. That back onto the rear of the eight houses. A row of six low relief terraced house backs that run adjacent to the two main streets. At the opposite end to these stands two shops built into two terraced houses. And along the full 4ft length of the board at the back, is a row of viaduct arches, some filled in with shops and workshops. And to finish, going to have a field or park of some kind. I’m now at the point of trailing what I’m going to use for the roads. Here are some pictures of the diorama as it stands.

Until Next Time............

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Diorama Update………………

Just a quick note, to keep you up to speed with the progress on the 1950’s street diorama, I have on the go at the moment. There are so many ideas buzzing about my head for what I want to do with this project. The latest idea was to try to finish off the T022b option derelict gable end of the T022a Terraced Houses from Scalescenes.
Many years ago, I can vaguely remember gable ends been shorn up with huge timbers, to stop the falling over. I’m not so sure they could get away with it these days, what with health and safety and all that. But here is my interpretation of said timbers.

First I made a wall to enclose the waste land that is at the end, covered in grass.


Next I got my hands on some wooden coffee stirrers. Cut them down to size, length ways.

Not having a pattern to work off, there was a lot of trial and error in putting this frame together, but I’m quite pleased with the final result.
Next I got to play with my airbrush. Again after a few false starts with colour, the end result turned out ok.

Well I couldn’t just make one, so I made a pair.

I’m very pleased with the final look.

Until Next Time…………