Sunday, 14 April 2024

Non-conformist Chapel Pt2………

Here’s the second part of the build for the T014a Non-conformist Chapel from Scalescenes. Like I said in the previous post, it’s not just a Chapel, it could be repurposed for many more options. 

Right, let’s get this kit finished. 

First job on the list is to cut out the External Buttress base layers, then wrap the Buttress cover layers and glue in place. Glue the completed Buttresses in place.





Cut out the plinth B and C base layers and wrap the cover layers. Once the glue has dried, glue the completed Plinths into place. Make sure that the Downpipes are aligned. 





Next cut out the External Buttress capping and glue into place. 



The Porch is next. Cut out the Porch Columns and glue into two blocks of two. Once the glue has dried, wrap the Porch Column cover layers into place. Then glue into place either side of the door.





Next, cut out the Plinth A base layers and wrap the corresponding cover layers around them. Test fit them and glue them into place. 



Next, cut out Porch B base layers and glue the two together. Cut out the Porch B cover layer and wrap around the base edge.



Cut out Porch A and C base layers next. Glue the two C’s together. Cut out he corresponding cover layers and wrap them over the base layers. Once wrapped, glue A, B and C over the door.





Next, cut out the Coping base layer and wrap the cover layer around. Make a light score cut on the red line. Test fit and glue into place. Cut out the Coping Ridge and glue it into place on the apex of the coping. 







Cut out the Office Side Walls B1 and B2. Glue together back to back, print side out. 



Next, cut out the Office Wall and Office Side Wall B sections. Squarely glue the side wall B to the right hand side of the Office wall. Cut out the Office wall cover layer and glue into place on the office wall. Wrap the flaps of the window and doorway. The cut out and glue into place the window sill. 





Cut out an Office door and glue it into place along with a window.



Next cut out, test fit and glue the Internal Office Wall into place. 



Cut out the Office Side Wall A1 base layer and wrap its cover layer around. Wrap and glue the window flaps, and add the window sill and window. 





Next, cut out the Office side wall A2 and wrap the Office down pipe into place. Line up at the bottom, walls A1 and A2 and glue back to back. Then glue squarely into place on the lefthand side if the Office wall. 





Cut out and glue the two Office dividing walls back to back. Cut out the Fireplace base layer and wrap its cover layer into place. Then squarely glue into place the complete dividing wall. 







Next, glue the Office walls into place. 



Cut out the Office Ceiling Underside and place it face down. Then glue the Office Ceiling over the top. Wrap the Gutter flap around and glue into place. Cut away the hatched edges. 





Next, cut out the four Office roof supports and glue into two blocks of two. Glue into place on the Office ceiling. 



Cut out the Roof and tiles next and as with the main roof, glue the tiles into place. Test fit and glue the completed roof into place and glue the Office roof flashing into place. 





Next, cut out the three Chimney base layers and glue into a block. Wrap the Chimney cover layer tightly around the base. The glue the Chimney into place. Then wrap and glue the Chimney cap then glue into place. 





Cut out and glue into place the Barge boards. 



Finally, cut out and tightly roll the Pipes into tubes. Use the supplied jig to cut pipe B with an angle. Then glue into place. 



And that’s it. I’m calling this one done. 







I’ve enjoyed this kit immensely, its simplicity makes it an easy build, but it’s still a highly detailed kit. Can’t wait for the next one.


Until Next Time………..