Sunday, 1 January 2012

Best Wishes For 2012

Could I please take this opportunity to wish all of the people that have followed my blog this year, a very happy, wealthy and most importantly a healthy New Year. Thank you all for the support and comments you have given me since the start of this blog. I’ve been humbled to find that I’ve had people from all over the World looking at  my blog. Who would of thought it would be of interest to anybody, let alone people from the four corners of the globe.

Could I also thank John Wiffen and the team at Scalescenes for all of their hard work in producing some fine models in the last twelve months and may they continue to do so in 2012.

Happy New Year.

Until Next Time…….



jordiegirl said...

Happy New Year and happy model making in 2012 Chris.

Mad Mary said...

Happy New Year Chris and it's a pleasure looking at your blog and watching your projects growing.

Hope you have a happy & healthy 2012

Mary xx