Thursday, 6 September 2012

Block Of Flats……..

Well it’s been a very hectic three weeks in the Heath household, I can tell you. What with the Proms weekend at Castle Howard, the posh wedding of Jak’s boss at Matfen Hall and a rake of Fire Brigade courses. I told myself that I wouldn’t have time to do any modelling. Well I’m afraid I might have lied to myself. I just couldn’t walk past my table without picking up my craft knife. The only problem is, I didn’t realise how much I was doing, and before I knew it, there it was finished. Unfortunately though, I didn’t get may pictures.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to build. The T007 kit that comes from scalescenes lends it’s self to few different options. You can choose from either a Hotel, a Hospital, an Office Block or just a Block of Flats. Because I didn’t think I wasn’t going to have much time on the build, I opted for the Block of Flats. I know it sounds a bit of a cop out, but it is the simplest option with not much interior detail.

As always the basic core structure is simple but strong and effective.

IMG_0398         IMG_0397

IMG_0394         IMG_0399

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And I’m sorry but, the finished build.


IMG_0792        IMG_0795


So with the flats built and with a little more time on my hands, I am looking forward to the next release that is imminent from scalescenes. In the next few days, the much awaited High Street Backs. I can’t wait.

Until Next Time……….


1 comment:

Mad Mary said...

Fantastic work once more Chris. I really enjoy seeing what you have been making. I thought you said there wasn't many pictures!! I was only expecting to see a few when you said that. Looking forward to the next build.

Mary x