Right, I think it’s time to have a go at the new Hornby Magazine freebie from Scalescenes. It is in the current November edition of the magazine. It is for the front façade of a railway works. All you get in the magazine is the just the front only, but by dropping onto the Scalescenes website, you can transform the free kit in the magazine, into a half relief building, with the R028 free download, that has endless potential.
I’m going to build the front façade first, then complete the build with the half relief, once this has been done.
I had to get the digital download from Scalescenes direct, as I don’t have a physical copy of the magazine. Now the free kit come on one A2 sheet, as the building is a whopping 540mm long. So because I don’t have the capability to print an A2 file, John at Scalescenes kindly sent the file tiled into four pages, allowing each to print on A4.
The next hurdle was, I didn’t have a piece of 2mm card stock in A2 size. But fear not, a quick question to my better half, and she came up with the goods, in the form of a couple of pieces of A2 - 2mm grey board from her work place.
I suppose I could have built it on the A4 sheets, but I wanted to use the full size A2 sheet, so that the front façade was built in one piece.
Time to put the sheets onto the board. This was the next hurdle. When John had kindly tiled the original file, he overlapped all of the sheets, this meant that they could be cut down to the correct size, without the fear of missing any detail due to print areas.
This was easily done, as the images were cleverly sized so that the cut lines were on a reference line for the cover layer. So once the sheets were cut using these reference lines, they lined up perfectly on the base layer.
The cover layers were cut using similar reference lines. Not that these needed to be put onto a base layer, but at least they were at the correct size for when the needed to be added to the kit.
Right, into the build now that the four sheets have been cut to size.
Once the windows and door openings have been cut out, that’s the front of the kit in one piece.
I had a bit of a surprise when I came to cut out the apertures. When I normally cut out anything on 2mm grey board, it takes three or four light passes with my craft knife to cut. This board however was different. It only took one pass to cut out, which caught me off guard. It turns out that it’s not a true solid grey board, but a corrugated version.
This I thought was brilliant at the time, as it only took the one pass to cut out, but my elation was short lived, as I realised that any exposed edges that I would normally colour with a marker, would not be solid. And also, when I applied any pressure to the board, when sticking down window edges and the like, the board collapsed due to the corrugations. Well it’s too late now, I’ll have to proceed with this kit and be careful, and not use this board anymore.
The cover layers go on in four separate pieces.
Then put the window sills into place.
I opted for the Scaleglaze windows for this kit. I know the windows would have been terribly dirty in reality but, I intend to weather them at a later date. The Scaleglaze windows are so much easier.
I did however run out of the correct windows, so I had to improvise with a different one.
Unfortunately the next set of pictures I took, have been deleted from my camera. These were the making and fitting of the buttresses, plinths and parapets.
So you’ll have to take my word when I tell you I’ve finished the front façade. You will however see the completed kit on the next post, as I intend to complete the kit post haste.
Until Next Time...........

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