Monday, 5 March 2012

N.E.D.C.C. Fair………

Just a quick note to give you the details of the N.E.D.C.C. Fair (North East Die Cast Collectors) being held on Saturday 10th March 2012. If the last time I was there is anything to go by, you will be in for a treat. It is been held at North Lodge School, North Road, Chester Le Street. DH3 4BB. Doors open at 10:00hrs and the event closes at 15:00hrs. Admission is only £1 for adults and 50p for children an OAP’s. If you would like more information on future events by N.E.D.C.C. Fairs go and visit their web site at

Pop along and let me know you follow my blog, it would be nice to meet you.

Until Next Time……….


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