Sunday, 4 October 2015

Hornby Magazine Bus Depot…………….

Well I’ve been stuck at work all weekend with not much to do other than wait for wagons to return to load. So I’d bought myself the October edition of the Hornby magazine during the week, which comes with a free build from Scalescenes, a bus depot. The part that comes with the magazine is the front facade, and you can download the main building from the scalescenes website free of charge. It’s a very simple build, even for beginners. Lots of fine but very achievable detail. So I downloaded the kit pack my knives, glue, ruler and card then head off to work. I’m sorry I didn’t take any photo’s of the building stages, but to be fair, I was supposed to be working. It has taken me two days to finish this kit between weighing wagons, so this could be a realistic starter project for any beginner. So go on, get yourself out and grab a copy of the October Hornby Magazine, download the kit and enjoy yourself. Apologies for the quality of the pictures, but the lighting and the camera I had at my disposal were not the best. Here it is in all of its glory.

CIMG1452      CIMG1453

CIMG1454      CIMG1455

CIMG1456      CIMG1457

CIMG1458      CIMG1459


Until Next Time…………..

Chris sig

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