AT LAST!!!!! It’s finally here, after the longest wait ever, the new LY02 Canal Wharf Box File kit from Scalescenes. I can’t tell you how much I’ve been anticipating this kit. It’s been promised this month, next month, the month after, in truth it’s taken longer than expected due to the current Coronavirus pandemic. John at Scalescenes is a very hard working, single employee at Scalescenes towers and due to the current pandemic, he’s had to try and factor in home schooling his young family. Along with trying to run concurrently, the design of a new complex kit and see to the day to day running of the business, responding to countless emails and questions from an ever growing population of Scalescenes modellers (we’ve had not a lot of anything else to do during lockdown) I think that we are to thank ourselves lucky that we’ve got this kit at all!
Right, where to start? I know, let’s start with the nifty little T030e Steel Barge. If you’ve ever built any of the Scalescenes boat kits, it will be a doddle. If not, fear not, it’s a very simple technique. Let’s go through it step by step.
First have yourself a wee dram, and toast the laying of a new keel (optional).
Next to make the Bow Bulkheads. A simple lapped joint to keep everything square.
The stern or aft bulkheads are next. Just like the bow, only an extra bulkhead for this one.
The Bow and Stern supports come next. These will give a base for the hull sides to form around and to glue to, and to fix the deck down also.
The port and starboard deck supports are next. Take care to cut these out free hand, as you will find they are not straight and have a slight curve.
Once both these side are in place, it’s time to start on the hold sides and coaming.
The hold sides and the coaming are just glued back to back. Then glued in place on the hull between the bulkheads.
Time to cut out and glue the deck down.
A little trimming of the hold aperture will ensure a tight fit around the hold.
Next to finish off the hold edges with a cover strip, to hide any raw edges.
The hull side are to be fashioned now. It looks more complicated than it actually is. Each side is just a shaped profile, carefully formed by drawing the side between your finger and thumb around a pen or pencil.
These are then simply glued to the deck supports and the bow and stern supports.
A couple of bulwarks are fitted to the Bow next to give a little extra strength.
Next, it’s just a case of adding a couple of hatches and the bases for the bollards.
Lastly, to fashion a rudder and glue to the stern of the barge, and to fit the fenders to both the stern and bow.
Time to get my teeth into the main Box File kit.
Until Next Time...........

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