Saturday, 7 November 2015

Canal Lock………………

I just wanted to show you the T018 Canal Lock from Scalescenes that goes along with the Narrow Boat I posted last week. The plan was to build the kit at home and plot its progress via my blog. Well I forgot to bring the kit back home from work, as I built the narrow boat last weekend whilst at work. So as I sat at my desk during the week, it was screaming out to me to be built. Well before I knew it, it was done. Unfortunately I had no camera with me, so no pictures of the build, but I managed to get some once it was finished. Before I finished it, I had a little play with trying to make some water with PVA glue. It was the simplest thing to do. A little leap of faith at first, as you have to cover your work with glue and just hope it’s going to dry.

2015-11-06 10.37.34      2015-11-06 10.37.44

I have to say, I was so pleased with the results.

CIMG1503      CIMG1501

As the glue was drying, I agitated the section that was leaving the lock. The result was fantastic.


Before I go, if you are stuck for a present for someone who is hard to buy for, the new Scalescenes website has gift certificates available. They are for any amount you want. For any modeller who is hard to buy for, these are ideal.

Until Next Time………….

Chris sig

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